To the Editor:
The news from Washington, D.C. is overwhelming. It seems that every day there is more news about this dangerous president who continues to find ways to abuse his power for personal gain, obstruct justice, and much more. Then there is the constant barrage of impeachment news and tweets by this president who is not focused on the welfare of the people he was elected to serve.
However, we are fortunate that there are elected officials who are concerned with the welfare of the people they were elected to serve and they serve in the House of Representatives. Congress has been busy passing over 400 bills, with 250 of those bills passing with bipartisan majorities. One member in particular continues to lead in doing the work to get the job done for the American people, Congressman Jim Himes.
Understanding that voting is a right for all Americans and the opportunity to vote should be easily accessible, Jim voted for HR 1 to expand voting rights. Every day, Americans are struggling to pay for necessary medications and their health care, recognizing these challenges Jim voted for HR 3 to lower prescription drug prices and voted for HR 986 to protect coverage for preexisting conditions. After Sandy Hook, little progress has been made nationally to keep us safe from gun violence; Jim voted for HR 8 to require universal background checks. As the president continues to deny climate change, Jim Himes voted for HR9 to ensure America stays in the Paris Climate Agreement and to take steps to address climate change. Jim continues to fight to repeal the SALT deduction cap.
Unfortunately, Mitch McConnell refuses to take up these bills in the Senate. By refusing to do the work the members of the Senate were elected to do, Americans continue to struggle.
We, in the Connecticut Fourth Congressional District, are fortunate to have Congressman Jim Himes represent us. He has proven time after time that he is a strong, thoughtful leader committed to the welfare of those he was elected to serve.
Evonne M. Klein