Congressman Jim Himes Endorses
MikE Burke and Sara Parent as candidates for
Darien’s Board of Education.
Darien Board of Education candidates Mike Burke and Sara Parent were honored to receive the endorsement of US Representative Jim Himes, who represents Connecticut’s 4th Congressional district.
“I hope that you will join me in supporting Mike Burke and Sara Parent for the Darien Board of Education,” Congressman Himes said. “Mike knows how to open our schools safely, and he knows how to do what we need to do in the fiscally intelligent way that we like to do things in Darien.”
Himes continued, “Sara has led the CDSP (Council of Darien School Parents) for years. She, too, knows what Darien education is all about, how we can reopen schools in such a way that our kids get the education that we want them to get, but that they are also, of course, healthy and safe. Join me on November 3rd to support Mike Burke and Sara Parent.”
Of the endorsement, Sara Parent said “Mike and I are thrilled to have the support of Representative Himes. He cares deeply about doing what is best for the children and families of Connecticut. He represents us, and all of his constituents, with integrity and intelligence. Mike and I look forward to the opportunity to do the same for all children and families in Darien.”