All In-Person Voting in Darien Will Be at the Town Hall Gym!
IF YOU NORMALLY VOTE AT HINDLEY SCHOOL, YOU MUST GO TO THE TOWN HALL GYM TO VOTE IN PERSON in the Special State Senate Election to be held on March 2, 2021 in Darien Voting Districts 2 and 4. March 2 is a school day and Hindley School will not be used as a polling place. Please spread the word.
ABSENTEE BALLOT APPLICATIONS WILL NOT BE MAILED TO ALL VOTERS FOR THIS ELECTION, but may be obtained from the link below and MUST be promptly returned to the Darien Town Clerk’s Office, 2 Renshaw Road, Darien, CT 06820 so that an absentee ballot may be mailed to you. Please do so right away if you wish to vote by absentee ballot.
If you would like to host a lawn sign for Pat, please sign up below and one will be brought to you. Also letters to the editor and testimonials are needed:
Lawn Signs: We have lawn signs ready for pick up at the Stamford Democratic headquarters. Please share the link below among your network and we will coordinate with individuals who fill out the form to get them their sign: https://forms.gle/tvvCuv9QeGUn2dU67.
Letters to the Editor: Please write a letter of support for Pat’s election as State Senator for Darien. Letters should to be submitted to: editor@darientimes.com, Darien@Patch.com and dave@darienite.com.
Testimonials: We are looking for people to submit brief quotes or video testimonials in support of Pat to post on social media. If you’d like to provide a quote, please send a headshot/picture that can be posted along with it to Lauren Meyer at lemeyer21@gmail.com.
Happy Valentines Day to everyone and let’s share the love with Pat Billie Miller and get her elected as Darien’s next State Senator!
David Bayne
Darien DTC Chair
(203) 984-9679