Author: Kathryn Doran

September 28th, 2022
Earlier today, we received notification that the Darien League of Women Voters is canceling Candidates Night for 2022. Board of Education candidate, Kadi Lublin, was the only one who accepted their invitation. John Sini, Jill McCammon, and Tracy Marra all declined to participate in the event.
Sadly we are seeing this same behavior by Republican candidates and their affiliated RTCs all over the state. The candidates listed above are running uncontested, but the Darien LWV Candidates Night has a long history of giving each voter an opportunity to submit questions, hear candidate’s views and learn more about the individuals representing Darien and its residents.
Laura Smits, President of League of Women Voters Connecticut, wrote an Op-Ed addressing this issue. It is attached below in full.
Setting the record straight on debates… It wasn’t that long ago, that during election season, candidates eagerly awaited being invited to a League of Women Voters of Connecticut debate. Our reputation as a century-old non-partisan political organization guaranteed that they would be treated fairly when it came to how the debate was organized and that each candidate would be treated in the same way, regardless of their party affiliation. This is the first time we have encountered so much opposition by the parties, and (some) candidates to participate in our debates or control how we run them.
This is unfortunate. Something has changed, but it is not the League.
Our rules of engagement for debates have remained the same:
- We notify each candidate about the date, time, place and rules of the debate at the same time.
- Questions for debates are submitted by the voters (on index cards for a live debate or emailed beforehand) and then screened by League members from both parties and when possible, an Unaffiliated member to ensure clarity, accuracy and that each question can be answered by all candidates. The Moderator is then given the screened questions and decides which questions will be used during the debate.
- Our Moderators are trained on how to run a fair debate and not allowed to moderate in the town or city that they reside in to ensure impartiality towards all candidates on the debate stage. The League hasn’t changed this methodology in decades.
- We do not allow “empty chair” or one person debates. If a candidate chooses not to participate, and we have at least 2 candidates, the debate will continue. If we do not, we reserve the right to cancel a debate. The League can also choose to hold other events or forums besides formal debates, where voters can interact with the candidates.
Meanwhile, there are third-party candidates eager to debate but may have trouble qualifying due to the difficulty of raising enough funds to mount a successful campaign. This is not their fault, our system favors the major parties, and while this is unfair, it is the system that we have and must contend with now. Our vetting and debate criteria for candidates is updated every year and in the coming years we may find a way to be more equitable to offset some of this unfairness.
Debates are an important part of the voter education process. Unlike websites, social media, emails or mailers, debates offer the voters a chance to see the candidates answer voters’ questions in real time, live and unscripted. Seeing and hearing a candidate on a debate stage gives voters another layer of insight about how a candidate handles themselves when presented with an opposing point of view about a topic. Were they able to get their point across? Did they answer the moderator’s question?
The job of a public servant is to serve and interact with the public. It is up to the candidate to make their case to the voter and earn that vote. Our democracy depends on a mutual relationship of respect between candidates and the voters who elect them. Not participating in a debate sends the opposite message. No vote should be taken for granted.
The League will continue to educate voters by using all of our voter education tools: printed materials, online and social media platforms as well as debates to bring voters non-partisan information about the candidates and the issues. Our League mission to empower voters and defend democracy continues…
Laura Smits, President LWVCT
SAVE THE DATE! We invite you to join the Darien DTC for a fun night of BEER, BOARDS & BBQ. Come enjoy an evening on the beach where you can have some great conversations, make connections, meet local representatives and candidates and of course show off your cornhole skills! Tickets will be available soon so be sure to visit to get yours!
Darien Democratic Town Committee (DTC) endorses Kadiatu (Kadi) Lublin for the Board of Education
July 21, 2022
Darien Democratic Town Committee
Kathryn Doran, DTC Communications Committee Chair
The Darien Democratic Town Committee (DTC) is pleased to announce its endorsement of Kadiatu (Kadi) Lublin for the Board of Education.
Kadi has been an active volunteer within our schools for many years, most recently serving on the Ox Ridge Building Committee and as chair of the Special Education subcommittee for the Council of Darien School Parents (CDSP). She is also a former co-chair of the Ox Ridge Parent Teacher Organization (PTO). During the 2020-2021 school year, she volunteered as a substitute teacher to ensure that school buildings could remain open for students when there were pandemic related staff shortages.
Kadi is a graduate of Indiana University and has continued her love of learning by taking summer study and executive education courses at Columbia and NYU. She has a diverse background and skill set, having worked for both financial and design firms as well as having entrepreneurial experience starting and running her own business for several years here in Darien. Kadi is currently working as a Director with Infralinx Capital Partners, LLC. She also serves on the advisory board of ReadWorks, a non profit that partners with K-12 teachers to solve our nation’s student achievement gap.
Kadi and her husband, Derek, moved to Darien in 2008. They have three children, the two oldest are at Darien High School and Middlesex Middle School, while her youngest is at The Winward School. Their two energetic yellow labs round out their busy family.
Stacey Tie, Darien DTC Vice-Chair, in her nomination of Ms. Lublin said:
“Kadi is a passionate advocate for our schools and our children. She is smart, measured, dedicated and is an independent thinker. She stands up for what she believes in. She is ready to roll up her sleeves and get to work. I can’t wait to see her work on the Board.”
Of her run for Board of Education Kadi said:
“When I visited Darien for the first time, I was immediately charmed by the friendly community, beautiful beaches and educational reputation of the town and I am proud to call Darien home.
Having been involved for several years, I have seen many sides of our educational system – from individual school PTOs, to the district wide CDSP, meeting regularly with administrators and parents in both of those roles. Additionally, I have served on the Ox Ridge Building Committee for three years working with multiple stakeholders – at all levels, across diverse skill sets – in collaboration to design and construct a modern and sustainable school that, I hope, will inspire students and staff and set a new standard for educational facilities in Darien. As a member of the Board of Education, I will serve our community and our students – always putting their best interests first.”
Theresa Vogt, Darien DTC chair stated, “The strength of our district and the community means always moving forward to prepare our students for their lives beyond the Darien schools. Kadi’s wealth of experience in our schools, community and business world will enable her to get to work on Day 1.”

22′-23′ Town of darien budget
The Board of Finance has approved the 22-23 Town of Darien Budget. It now moves to the RTM for final approval on May 9th. The Board of Finance budget files are now available on-line for residents to review.
Taxpayers are encouraged to reach out to the RTM with their comments by emailing RTM members at

We want to extend our Congratulations to Darien’s FIRST female Police Captain, Alison Hudyma. Captain Hudyma’s many years of service to the Darien community have been a powerful example to young women and men in town. As Darien residents, we are proud of our Police Department and the many officers who work each day to make our community safer and stronger. To learn more about Cpt. Hudyma please click this article from the Stamford Advocate.

Virtual Forum for secretary of state
Join us for a virtual candidate forum where we will hear from the Democratic candidates for CT Secretary of the State. Please register as soon as possible, this event can only support 500 attendees.
DAY: Thursday, March 24
TIME: 7:00-8:30 p.m.